
How to submit?

Arena Fantasy Magazine is actively seeking submissions for all of the following: Short Stories, Flash Fiction, Advice articles and also Artwork to feature in our upcoming issues read on for more info.  Make sure you read the submission guidelines for the specific item you would like to submit.

Short Fiction

What is Short Fiction - A piece of prose fiction usually under 10,000 words.

Arena Fantasy Magazine is currently seeking submissions for fantasy genre stories. Whether your story features faeries, dragons, knights, supernatural werewolves and vampires, epic battles or brooding protagonists, as long as it falls within the fantasy genre and is between 750 and 10,000 words, we would be delighted to receive it.

 For Stories: Please email a query to in the first instance. If your piece is interested, we will be sure to reply and ask for the full version. Your query should contain your contact details.


As long as it is based on the fantasy genre we consider any ORIGINAL artwork. 

We are searching for an original piece of art that is firmly based on the fantasy genre. It could be a fight scene, a hero or heroine, or anything related to medieval times. Think about knights charging into battle. We are particularly interested in landscapes or townscapes, as long as they are set in medieval times. We will consider any submission that meets these criteria.

For Artwork: please email a sample of your art to we will contact you if we wish to use it. Please also let us know if the piece has been used before and where. 


Any articles, advice or information for new and aspiring writers.

As a writing magazine, we welcome articles related to writing such as plotting, cover design, and other aspects of the craft. We would also appreciate information on self-publishing or traditional publication tips. The maximum word count for any submission is 12,000 words.

For articles: Please email a query and a sample to in the first instance. If your piece interests us, we will reply and request the full version. Your query should contain your contact details, give a brief outline of the piece and finally any items you have published previously.

Flash Fiction

What is Flash Fiction - A Piece of fiction usually a few hundred words long

Arena Fantasy Magazine is currently seeking fantasy stories that incorporate faeries, dragons, knights, supernatural werewolves and vampires, epic battles, and brooding protagonists. The story should be between 250 and 750 words in length and be classified as a fantasy piece. If your story meets these criteria, please do not hesitate to send it to us.

For Flash: Please email a query to in the first instance. If your piece interests us, we will reply and request the full version. Your query should contain your contact details, give a brief outline of the piece and finally any items you have published.


1. What will happen to the copyright of my piece

Copyright will remain with you the author/artist. AFM does not claim copyright. We only use your submission or Artwork with your permission. You can rescind permission at any point prior to print

2. Will I get paid for my Submission?

Honestly no, The reason why is that because we are a new magazine. All is not lost though we would consider it in future. However, if you submit anything you will get a free issue and also advertising space for your website etc.

3. What would happen to my submission if not accepted?

We would hold on to your submission for 12 months and we would contact you if we may wish to use it on a future issue. Unless you advise you do not want us to!

4. Am I allowed to make simultaneous submissions?

AFM accepts simultaneous submissions, however please let us know if your piece has been successfully accepted somewhere else.

Has your question been answered here? If not please email the editor and we will endeavor to answer Email